Sunday, 29 April 2012

The Beginning

Every beginning is beautiful... So is the beginning of this habit of writing. This little piece that I wrote way back in March, 2011 marked the beginning of a hobby that I love today. The person I wrote it for rated a different poem of mine as his favourite but for me this has been really special and will remain so.

A friend so just
Worthy of trust

With a lot of flair
And a heart to care

Will make you smile
From across a mile

At times a lil’ hazy
But definitely crazy

Calls himself a zero
But to many a hero

The UD-Swan breed
Is rare indeed 

From Glad to Sad to Mad

I’ve always believed that being happy is as easy & natural as breathing. It has been that way for me for as long as I can remember. No matter what, I always find a reason to smile. In fact I’m so used to being happy all the time that an occasional moment of sorrow seems like an unbearable burden… But I’m really glad that such moments are occasional!

I’ve been expecting one such gloomy moment since the past few days yet it happened when I least expected it. I barely managed to contain the leaks. But what makes these tears special is the reason behind them. More often than not I’ve seen people crying about their own misfortune, about how they didn’t get what they wanted so badly. There’s nothing wrong about loving yourself. But when you see someone crying about someone else or praying for that other person, a feeling of awe is evoked in you. Suddenly the helplessness and pain seem worth it.

Everything has its own beauty, isn’t it? But do you see beauty when an invisible emotional burden weighs you down? The negative emotion grows over time until there’s nothing else left. I wonder why the same doesn’t apply to joy. If you’re just a little happy, you’re just a little happy, nothing more, nothing less… It takes so much more for one to feel delirious or ecstatic. But have you ever felt that you were just a little sad? It starts small but then grows and consumes the person if not kept under check.

I have this theory that all the positive emotions are like solids. They always take up the same space and for them to grow, you need to add more solid blocks. On the other hand, the negative emotions are like gases. You give them a little space and they take up everything they can lay their hands on.

Strange analogy, isn’t it? My experience today makes me want to believe that this theory might be true. In the beginning, I was sad about one little thing but then I realized after some time that I was pining about something else too. This went on until I felt miserable about how sad my life had become… But the magic of happiness struck again! I was happy to be my usual happy self again. Thanks to all the wonderful people who give me more reasons to smile. J

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Tinier than tiny

We human beings are so fascinated by magnanimity that we forget to appreciate the beauty of everything that is little. We all pine till we get something huge out of life, an award at work, a huge increment, a palatial house, an expensive car, an even more expensive piece of jewellery, an extravagant lifestyle,… And then we pine again for the next big thing.

 All of us wish for something because we believe achieving that goal would make us happy. We also know that the path that leads to the destination is not an easy one. We willingly accept the challenge and go through all the toil and turmoil. Once we reach the finish line, we feel blessed… we revel in the joy of the moment and then… and then another sparkly thing in the distance catches our eye and we set out on the path that leads to it. We don’t cherish the present success, which we worked so hard for, anymore. All of us are lost in this never ending cycle of sorrow interspersed with only moments of joy. We are so caught up in this race that some of us don’t even notice the tiny reasons that make life worth living.

There are tiny reasons that make us smile, tinier reasons that make us cry & smile at the same time and some really tiny reasons that make us cry over & over again. A baby’s smile, an innocent sorry, crazy friends, the fights of love, a surprise, a childhood memory, a prank, a dance in the rain, the taste of yummy food,… the list can go on & on. One thing we all need to learn is to enjoy the journey as much as the destination. Cherish what you already hold in your hands both living and non-living. Love every person in your life with all your heart. Have fun every moment of every day. Live a meaningful life… a life where you are more happy than sad.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Love, Loss, Life

A glimpse of her face warms his heart
Her smile makes his world go round
A few words exchanged makes his day...

Yet the unrequited love 

Makes him wish; Makes him hope
Deludes him into living a lie
And slowly drives him crazy

Memories bring comfort no more
Nothing else matters anymore
A crossroads it sure is...
But every path cushioned with thorns

The once twinkling eyes lifeless
Smile creased cheeks now tear-stained
A zombie he's become, wasting away
Waiting for a day that'll never dawn

Love, the heavenliest of blessings, cruelest of curses