Sunday 7 September 2014

Once a mother, Always a mother

It’s amazing how a tiny being can transform you into a completely different person and that too in a snap. Suddenly the most important facet of your personality is being a mother. Everything from that moment on is only about your child. She becomes the centre of your universe.

You love her more than you loved anyone in your life. You care for her day & night without uttering so much as a sigh. You cherish every moment you spend with her. As she grows up into a toddler, you are amazed at how proud she makes you feel already.

You let go of your hobbies. You lose touch with your friends; the same friends you thought you couldn’t live without. You no more want to go out not even for dinner or shopping. Whenever you see another kid, your heart warms up with motherly love – a feeling you’ve never known before. If you’re a working woman, your work is not a big priority any more. Somewhere down this path, you let go of all your other identities – an ambitious career woman, a gossip girl, a shopaholic, a wife, a creative artist, a wonderful cook,... and you’re just about satisfied with being a loving mother.

Once your kid is a little grown up and doesn’t demand as much of your time as today, you might go back to your older passions but it’s never the same. Whatever you do, it’s still about your kid or for your kid. It is only now that you realize the role that your mother has played in your life. It’s a really overwhelming feeling to know that the most significant phase of your mother’s life has totally been about you. What’s even more fascinating is that according to your mother, her life now, after all these years, is still about her children. Even though she’s a grandmother now and she loves her grandchild maybe a tad bit more, she still is constantly looking out for her

The bond is mutual. Even today, when you are extremely happy or in serious trouble, whom do you call first? Whom do you shout at when you are frustrated? It has always been your mother and it will continue to be. She is your sounding board when it comes to sharing news & ideas. She’s your punching bag when you’re angry. She’s your agony aunt when you are worried. She’s your best friend when it comes to voicing your fears, secrets & confusions. She will never judge you, never hurt you, never give your secrets away and will always love you more than she ever loved anyone. She’ll always be yours just like you’re your daughter’s now.

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