Monday 22 September 2014

Truly free

“Your future is in your hands. You can shape it the way you want. You live in a free world.” How many times have you heard this? I grew up listening to this over and over again. Teachers, Parents, Parents’ friends,… it was every adult’s favourite piece of advice for the next generation. At that time, it sounded really flattering. Every child grew up believing that they could make every single dream of theirs come true. Now I wonder how many of the adults really believed in what they said…

True, we live in a free world. A world where you are free to look around, learn, voice our opinions, love, care, dream… A world where you can do all this and more. But there’s only one catch to it. There’s a cage around you all the time. It’s a cage that you can’t see or feel but it’s always there to knock you down when you wander far enough from where you were supposed to be. You can dream about absolutely anything and pour your heart into it. But can you reach out & hope to realize your dreams? Apparently not! Most of us try to break through a few times & then settle for a half-life - a life where you enjoy dreaming big yet settle for what you get.

It takes a lot of courage and will to break through the barrier. You must find the right stone to throw at the cage – the stone of perseverance. Eventually the walls will come crashing down.

Then & only then you’ll be truly free.

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